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This is your SolarWakeup for January 9th, 2023 –

The Locational Value. Community solar has the keys to two of the biggest values in solar. First, it removes single offtaker credit risk, whether credit is for default or leverage on renegotiation. For every homeowner or tenant that cancels, there’s a waiting list of additional offtakers ready to take their place. Second, it no longer associates load with immediate location which makes it easier to create a value proposition. Every day, we read about need for housing and more density, but meeting that density requires capacity that has to be met by community solar. Regulators should be tripling down on this market alongside generation aggregation programs.

Come Work With Me. I’m adding a few folks to my team at FlexGen. As you know, we’ve been building out the energy storage ecosystem with our services and the leading EMS platform in batteries. With the growth of the market, our team needs to continue to expand. I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the best across solar and storage over the past decades and want to continue that trend. Here is the link to apply

Managing Installer Cash Flow. Interest rates are the highest in 22 years, increasing solar financing costs and softening consumer demand for loan products. Businesses are feeling the pain of strained cash flows, labor costs and profitability pressures. Palmetto, a B2B technology company accelerating the adoption of clean energy, has announced a new partnership offering for solar installers to help stabilize cash flows and grow faster in today’s market. Built on top of Palmetto’s Clean Energy Operating Platform, this is a comprehensive suite of tools and services enabling installers to streamline operations, optimize performance, and increase profitability. Visit or contact for more.


Best, Yann