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The Energy Transition Rocks

image credit: Rocky Mountain Institute



Sandy Lawrence's picture

retired MD,
I write and lecture on energy, climate, grid, and epidemiology

I post almost daily on science topics, dealing with energy systems, the climate system, the electric grid and epidemiology. Background is in academic medicine, but I have also been teaching in…

  • Member since 2021
  • 123 items added with 22,887 views



  • Jul 2, 2024

Rocky Mountain Institute: “The Cleantech Revolution.” I cannot recommend this article highly enough. The summaries are concise + well reasoned, the slides are succinct + gorgeous. I have included several for this morning. The new energy system is indeed fundamentally different than the old + outmoded system reliant on fossil fuels: coal, methane + propane, petroleum. As well, I am at heart a rational optimist, so I love the comparison between pessimist + optimist on the other slide. Simple summary—the energy transition rocks.  

Sandy Lawrence's picture

Thank Sandy for the Post!

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