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Self-care is not merely important today—it is essential.

Consider the individuals enduring the pressures of life, navigating through challenges and adversities.

Envision men and women striving to secure employment…

Struggling to make ends meet…

Facing difficulties in their marriages…

Juggling demanding work responsibilities…

Endeavoring to meet others’ expectations…

Struggles upon struggles.

Self-care involves relinquishing these struggles and prioritizing oneself, recognizing that there is only one you.

How can this be achieved in our modern age?

Four critical areas must be addressed:

1. Spiritual Well-being

Humans possess an intrinsic spiritual dimension.

In essence, we seek to connect with a higher Being, a Deity, an omnipotent God.

Self-care begins with connecting to the One greater than ourselves—God.

Consider the story from the Book of John, Chapter 4, in the Bible.

It recounts a young woman who met a man at a well while drawing water.

This encounter was unusual, as women typically drew water in the morning or evening, yet she came at midday.

As she continued her task, the man, Jesus Christ, reached out to her.

He reached out to her amidst her struggles…

Struggles in relationships.

She had lived with several men and felt an emptiness in her heart.

Jesus addressed her emptiness and offered her relief.

Perhaps we could take a moment to pour out our frustrations to Christ.

He sees our internal struggles when we present a composed exterior to the world.

He understands our experiences and is ready to offer us rest.

2. Social Well-being

A comment once made about men in the outskirts of Nairobi, who came home early due to the presence of marauding lions, illustrates a significant point.

As humorous as it may seem, it highlights the lack of peace many men find in their homes.

A functional family should be the cornerstone of a functional society.

It should serve as a refuge after a long, hard day.

Personally, I look forward to returning home to my wife and son because their presence revitalizes me.

However, the importance of extended family and friends cannot be overstated.

There was a period in my life when I lacked a circle of friends to regularly meet and reflect on life with.

These were frustrating times, marked by a sense of isolation in my struggles.

Recently, I have found a group of friends with whom I connect at least twice a month—once with the boys and once with the boys and their families.

This network has provided a support system when life’s challenges seem insurmountable.

Many of them are more advanced in their careers and family lives, offering me valuable lessons.

Thus, it is crucial to cultivate a group of friends to share life with.

Above all, prioritize doing life with your family.

3. Physical Well-being

I recall visiting a physician for a flu, only to have her express concern about my blood pressure.

Though not surprised, as I had struggled with hypertension for years, this time it was alarmingly high at 185 systolic.

The doctor recommended an ECG and a series of organ function tests to assess my health.

Fortunately, the results were favorable, but this incident prompted me to take my physical health more seriously.

Previously, despite exercising, there was little improvement.

However, by also focusing on spiritual and social disciplines, my health began to improve, and my blood pressure eventually dropped below 130.

I incorporated daily rope-skipping (at least 200 times) and morning jogs into my routine.

Additionally, I modified my diet, incorporating herbs, avoiding processed foods, and reducing salt and sugar intake.

4. Social Media Well-being

In today’s world, social media is ubiquitous.

Yet, it is a major source of life’s pressures and struggles.

What can be done about it?

I regularly take 2-3 month breaks from various platforms.

As I write this, I am on one such break.

These breaks allow me to focus on my spiritual health, family, friends, mental peace, and hobbies—activities that bring fulfillment and potential financial benefits.


Taking care of yourself is imperative.

If you are uncertain how to proceed, follow these four steps, and possibly you may find yourself on a path to well-being.

Photo credit: Natasha Fernandez via Pexels