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Mercado de Captura, Utilização e Armazenamento de Carbono no 1º Semestre de 2024: Análise da BloombergNEF e o Vale da Desilusão

# Mercado de Captura, Utilização e Armazenamento de Carbono no 1º Semestre de 2024: Análise da BloombergNEF e o Vale...

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UN informed that ETS reforms jeopardize potential $16 billion Māori forestry earnings

The United Nations (UN) has recently been informed about the potential risks that the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) reforms in New Zealand pose to the Māori forestry industry. These reforms could potentially jeopardize earnings of up to $16 billion for Māori communities involved in the forestry sector.

The ETS is a government policy aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by putting a price on carbon. It allows businesses to buy and sell carbon credits, encouraging them to reduce their emissions and invest in sustainable practices. However, the proposed reforms to the ETS have raised concerns among Māori forestry owners and operators.

Māori communities have a significant presence in the forestry industry, with many owning and managing large areas of forest land. These forests not only provide economic benefits but also hold cultural and spiritual significance for Māori people. The potential earnings from carbon credits under the ETS have been seen as a way to enhance the economic development of these communities while also contributing to climate change mitigation efforts.

The concerns raised by Māori forestry owners stem from the proposed changes to the ETS, which include reducing the number of free carbon credits allocated to foresters. Under the current system, foresters receive a certain number of free credits based on the amount of carbon stored in their forests. These credits can then be sold to emitters who need them to offset their own emissions.

However, the reforms would significantly reduce the number of free credits allocated, forcing foresters to purchase additional credits from the market. This would create a financial burden for Māori forestry owners, as they would need to invest more capital upfront to participate in the ETS. The potential loss of earnings from reduced free credits could also hinder the economic development of Māori communities.

Furthermore, there are concerns that the reforms do not adequately recognize the unique circumstances and challenges faced by Māori forestry owners. Many Māori-owned forests are located in remote areas, making it difficult and costly to access markets and participate in the ETS. The reforms could exacerbate these challenges, further marginalizing Māori communities and hindering their ability to benefit from the forestry sector.

The UN has been made aware of these concerns and has been urged to intervene and ensure that the ETS reforms do not disproportionately impact Māori forestry owners. The UN has a mandate to promote and protect the rights of indigenous peoples, including their economic development and cultural heritage. It is hoped that the UN’s involvement will lead to a more equitable and inclusive approach to the ETS reforms.

In conclusion, the proposed ETS reforms in New Zealand have raised concerns about the potential impact on Māori forestry earnings. The reduction in free carbon credits allocated to foresters could create financial burdens for Māori communities and hinder their economic development. The UN has been informed about these risks and is being urged to intervene to ensure a fair and inclusive approach to the reforms. It is crucial that the voices and concerns of Māori forestry owners are heard and considered in order to protect their rights and preserve their cultural heritage.