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Mercado de Captura, Utilização e Armazenamento de Carbono no 1º Semestre de 2024: Análise da BloombergNEF e o Vale da Desilusão

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Speculators Could Lose Billions with “Useless” Carbon Credits, Reports The Guardian

Title: Speculators Could Lose Billions with “Useless” Carbon Credits, Reports The Guardian


In recent years, the global focus on combating climate change has led to the emergence of carbon markets and the trading of carbon credits. These credits are intended to incentivize companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by allowing them to buy and sell permits to emit carbon dioxide. However, a recent report by The Guardian suggests that speculators in these markets could potentially face significant losses due to the proliferation of “useless” carbon credits.

The Rise of Carbon Markets:

Carbon markets were established as a mechanism to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage companies to adopt cleaner technologies. Under these markets, companies are allocated a certain number of carbon credits, which represent their permitted emissions. If a company exceeds its allocated limit, it can purchase additional credits from those who have surplus allowances.

The Problem of “Useless” Carbon Credits:

The Guardian’s report highlights a growing concern regarding the validity and effectiveness of some carbon credits. It suggests that many of these credits are being issued for projects that do not genuinely contribute to reducing emissions or promoting sustainable practices. This has led to an oversupply of carbon credits in the market, potentially rendering them worthless.

The Role of Speculators:

Speculators play a significant role in carbon markets by buying and selling carbon credits for profit. They anticipate future price movements and seek to capitalize on fluctuations in the market. However, with the increasing number of “useless” carbon credits flooding the market, speculators may find themselves holding onto worthless assets.

The Risk of Financial Losses:

The oversupply of carbon credits poses a significant risk to speculators who have invested heavily in these markets. As the market becomes saturated with “useless” credits, their value is likely to plummet. This could result in substantial financial losses for speculators who fail to accurately assess the credibility and quality of the carbon credits they trade.

Regulatory Measures to Address the Issue:

Recognizing the potential risks associated with “useless” carbon credits, regulatory bodies are taking steps to address the problem. The European Union, for instance, has implemented reforms to tighten the rules governing the issuance and trading of carbon credits. These reforms aim to ensure that only high-quality credits, generated from legitimate emission reduction projects, are eligible for trading.

The Importance of Transparency and Verification:

To mitigate the risks associated with “useless” carbon credits, it is crucial to establish robust verification mechanisms and promote transparency in the carbon market. This includes rigorous monitoring and reporting of emissions reduction projects to ensure their legitimacy. Additionally, greater transparency in the trading process can help investors make informed decisions and avoid potential losses.


The proliferation of “useless” carbon credits poses a significant threat to speculators in carbon markets. As the market becomes flooded with low-quality credits, their value is likely to decline, potentially resulting in substantial financial losses. To address this issue, regulatory bodies must enforce stricter rules and verification processes to ensure the credibility of carbon credits. Additionally, increased transparency and information sharing within the market can help investors make more informed decisions and protect themselves from potential losses.