Similarities Between EV Drivers’ Preferences for Charging Stations and Home Amenities – CleanTechnica

As electric vehicles (EVs) continue to gain popularity, the demand for charging stations is also on the rise. EV drivers...

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as more people look for sustainable transportation options. As the EV market continues...

As electric vehicles (EVs) continue to gain popularity and become more mainstream, the need for convenient and accessible charging stations...

Electric vehicle (EV) drivers are a growing demographic as more people make the switch to environmentally friendly transportation options. As...

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) have become increasingly popular in recent years as consumers look for more environmentally friendly transportation...

CleanTechnica recently hosted an event called The Smarter E Europe, which focused on exploring the power of photovoltaics (PV), energy...

The Smarter E Europe is an annual event that brings together industry leaders, innovators, and experts to explore the latest...

The Smarter E Europe is a leading trade fair that showcases the latest innovations in renewable energy and sustainable technologies....

The Smarter E Europe event is a leading platform for the energy industry to showcase innovative solutions and technologies that...

The Smarter E Europe event is a leading trade fair for the renewable energy industry, showcasing the latest innovations and...

The Smarter E Europe is an annual event that brings together industry leaders, policymakers, and experts to explore the integration...

CleanTechnica is a leading online publication that focuses on clean energy and sustainable technology. One of the key events that...

CleanTechnica: The Smarter E Europe Showcases PV, Storage, E-Car & Heat Pumps as a Strong Team The Smarter E Europe...

The Smarter E Europe event is a leading platform for the integration of renewable energy sources and sustainable technologies. This...

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been gaining popularity in recent years as more and more people become aware of the environmental...

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been gaining popularity in recent years as more and more people are looking for environmentally friendly...

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been gaining popularity in recent years as more and more consumers are looking for environmentally friendly...

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If you’ve been considering purchasing an electric bike, now is the perfect time to take advantage of a fantastic deal...

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If you’ve been considering purchasing an electric bike, now is the perfect time to do so with Heybike’s latest promotion....

If you’ve been considering purchasing an electric bike, now is the perfect time to take advantage of a limited-time offer...

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As the world continues to shift towards a more sustainable future, the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is on the...

As the world continues to shift towards a more sustainable future, the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is on the...

As the world continues to shift towards a more sustainable future, electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular. With this...

Refrigeration is a crucial aspect of modern life, allowing us to preserve perishable goods and keep our food fresh for...

Refrigeration is a crucial aspect of modern life, allowing us to preserve perishable goods and keep our food fresh for...

Introducing the Pegasus Guidelines: A New Standard for Emissions Measurement and Reporting in the Aviation Sector by RMI and 5 Global Banks

The aviation industry is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for approximately 2-3% of global emissions. In an effort to address this issue, the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) has partnered with five global banks to introduce the Pegasus Guidelines, a new standard for emissions measurement and reporting in the aviation sector.

The Pegasus Guidelines aim to provide a consistent and transparent framework for measuring and reporting greenhouse gas emissions from aviation activities. This will enable airlines and other stakeholders in the industry to accurately track their emissions, set reduction targets, and ultimately work towards a more sustainable future.

The guidelines cover a range of emissions sources, including aircraft operations, ground handling, and airport infrastructure. They also take into account the full lifecycle of emissions, from fuel production to end use, in order to provide a comprehensive picture of an organization’s carbon footprint.

One of the key features of the Pegasus Guidelines is their alignment with existing international standards, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). This ensures that organizations using the guidelines will be able to easily integrate their emissions data with other reporting frameworks and initiatives.

The five global banks involved in the development of the Pegasus Guidelines – BNP Paribas, Citi, Itaú Unibanco, Société Générale, and Standard Chartered – have committed to using the guidelines in their own lending and investment decisions. This sends a strong signal to the aviation industry that sustainability is a priority for financial institutions, and that organizations will be expected to meet higher standards when it comes to emissions reporting.

In addition to providing a framework for emissions measurement and reporting, the Pegasus Guidelines also offer guidance on setting emissions reduction targets and implementing strategies to achieve them. This includes recommendations for investing in more fuel-efficient aircraft, improving operational efficiency, and exploring alternative fuels and technologies.

Overall, the introduction of the Pegasus Guidelines represents a significant step forward in the aviation industry’s efforts to address climate change. By providing a standardized approach to measuring and reporting emissions, the guidelines will help organizations in the sector to better understand their environmental impact and take meaningful action to reduce it. With the support of leading financial institutions, the Pegasus Guidelines have the potential to drive real change and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable aviation industry.