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Florida Electric Vehicle Drivers to Have Access to Wireless In-Road Charging Opportunity, Reports CleanTechnica Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly...

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General Motors, one of the largest automakers in the world, is currently seeing a window of opportunity opening in the...

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Ford Updates Dealer Requirements for Selling Electric Vehicles

Ford Motor Company recently announced updates to its dealer requirements for selling electric vehicles (EVs). These changes come as Ford continues to expand its lineup of electric vehicles and aims to increase its presence in the rapidly growing EV market.

One of the key updates to the dealer requirements is the addition of new training programs for sales staff. Ford recognizes that selling EVs requires a different approach than selling traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, as customers often have questions about charging infrastructure, range, and other aspects of EV ownership. By providing comprehensive training for sales staff, Ford aims to ensure that customers receive accurate and helpful information when considering an EV purchase.

In addition to training programs, Ford is also requiring dealers to invest in charging infrastructure at their facilities. This includes installing charging stations for both customers and employees, as well as ensuring that service technicians are trained to work on EVs. By making these investments, Ford believes that dealers will be better equipped to sell and service EVs, ultimately providing a better experience for customers.

Another important update to the dealer requirements is the introduction of new marketing materials and incentives for selling EVs. Ford is providing dealers with resources to help promote its lineup of electric vehicles, including digital marketing materials and in-store displays. Additionally, Ford is offering incentives for dealers who meet certain sales targets for EVs, such as bonuses or discounts on future vehicle orders.

Overall, these updates to the dealer requirements demonstrate Ford’s commitment to expanding its presence in the EV market. By providing training programs, investing in charging infrastructure, and offering marketing support, Ford is equipping its dealers to successfully sell and service electric vehicles. As the demand for EVs continues to grow, these updates will help Ford and its dealers capitalize on this trend and provide customers with a seamless and enjoyable experience when purchasing an electric vehicle.