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Mercado de Captura, Utilização e Armazenamento de Carbono no 1º Semestre de 2024: Análise da BloombergNEF e o Vale da Desilusão

# Mercado de Captura, Utilização e Armazenamento de Carbono no 1º Semestre de 2024: Análise da BloombergNEF e o Vale...

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FMA issues draft guidance for climate-related reporting

The Financial Management Authority (FMA) has recently issued draft guidance for climate-related reporting, aiming to provide clarity and direction for companies in New Zealand on how to disclose their climate-related risks and opportunities. This move comes as the global focus on climate change intensifies, with investors and stakeholders increasingly demanding transparency and accountability from businesses regarding their environmental impact.

The FMA is the regulatory body responsible for overseeing financial markets and ensuring that they operate fairly, effectively, and transparently. With climate change becoming a significant financial risk, the FMA recognizes the need for companies to disclose their exposure to climate-related risks and their strategies for managing them.

The draft guidance outlines the FMA’s expectations for climate-related disclosures, emphasizing the importance of providing clear, concise, and decision-useful information. It encourages companies to consider the potential financial impacts of climate change on their business models, operations, and supply chains. This includes assessing physical risks such as extreme weather events, as well as transition risks arising from the shift towards a low-carbon economy.

The guidance also highlights the importance of scenario analysis in assessing climate-related risks. Companies are encouraged to consider different climate scenarios, such as a 2-degree Celsius or 4-degree Celsius warming, and evaluate how these scenarios could impact their business. This analysis can help companies identify potential vulnerabilities and develop appropriate strategies to mitigate risks.

Furthermore, the FMA’s draft guidance emphasizes the need for companies to disclose their governance arrangements and processes for managing climate-related risks. This includes information on board oversight, risk management frameworks, and the integration of climate-related risks into existing governance structures. By providing this information, companies can demonstrate their commitment to addressing climate change and reassure investors and stakeholders of their preparedness.

The FMA’s draft guidance aligns with international frameworks such as the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which provides recommendations for companies to disclose climate-related risks and opportunities. By adopting these global standards, New Zealand companies can enhance their credibility and comparability with international peers, attracting investment and fostering trust among stakeholders.

The FMA is seeking feedback on the draft guidance from companies, investors, and other interested parties. This consultation process allows for a collaborative approach in shaping the final guidance, ensuring that it meets the needs of the New Zealand business community while aligning with global best practices.

In conclusion, the FMA’s issuance of draft guidance for climate-related reporting is a significant step towards enhancing transparency and accountability in New Zealand’s financial markets. By providing clear expectations and guidelines, the FMA aims to empower companies to disclose their climate-related risks and opportunities effectively. This will enable investors and stakeholders to make informed decisions, promote sustainable business practices, and contribute to the global effort in addressing climate change.