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Mercado de Captura, Utilização e Armazenamento de Carbono no 1º Semestre de 2024: Análise da BloombergNEF e o Vale da Desilusão

# Mercado de Captura, Utilização e Armazenamento de Carbono no 1º Semestre de 2024: Análise da BloombergNEF e o Vale...

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**The Future of Carbon Offsets: Are They Coming to an End?** In the global fight against climate change, carbon offsets...

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# Verra Lança Nova Metodologia para Captura e Armazenamento de Carbono no Mercado de Créditos de Carbono ## Introdução A...

# Verra Introduz Nova Metodologia para Captura e Armazenamento de Carbono no Mercado de Créditos de Carbono ## Introdução A...

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**World Bank Invests US$1.5 Billion to Enhance India’s Carbon Market and Green Hydrogen Initiatives** In a significant move towards combating...

**World Bank Invests $1.5 Billion to Support India’s Carbon Market and Green Hydrogen Initiatives** In a significant move towards combating...

**World Bank Allocates $1.5 Billion to Support India’s Carbon Market and Green Hydrogen Initiatives** In a significant move towards combating...

**World Bank Invests US$1.5 Billion to Support India’s Carbon Market and Green Hydrogen Initiatives** In a significant move towards combating...

Environmental Defence Society identifies a substantial gap in climate adaptation law

The Environmental Defence Society (EDS), a leading environmental advocacy group in New Zealand, has recently identified a significant gap in climate adaptation law. This gap poses a potential threat to the country’s ability to effectively address the challenges posed by climate change.

Climate change is a global issue that requires urgent action from governments and societies worldwide. As the impacts of climate change become more apparent, it is crucial for countries to have robust legal frameworks in place to adapt and mitigate these effects. However, the EDS has found that New Zealand’s current legislation falls short in adequately addressing the adaptation aspect of climate change.

The EDS report highlights several key areas where the existing law is lacking. One of the main concerns is the absence of a comprehensive national strategy for climate adaptation. While New Zealand has made significant progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions through its commitment to the Paris Agreement, there is a lack of coordinated planning and action when it comes to adapting to the changing climate.

The report also points out that existing legislation does not provide clear guidance on how to incorporate climate change considerations into resource management decisions. This is particularly concerning as land-use planning and resource management play a crucial role in determining how communities and infrastructure are developed, and how they can withstand the impacts of climate change.

Furthermore, the EDS identifies a lack of legal mechanisms to ensure that climate change risks are adequately assessed and managed in major infrastructure projects. With the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, it is essential to consider climate resilience when designing and constructing critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings. Without proper legal requirements, there is a risk of investing in infrastructure that may become vulnerable or even obsolete in the face of climate change impacts.

The EDS report calls for urgent action to address these gaps in climate adaptation law. It recommends the development of a national adaptation strategy that outlines clear goals, targets, and timelines for adapting to climate change. This strategy should be supported by legislation that requires local authorities and decision-makers to consider climate change impacts in their planning and resource management processes.

Additionally, the report suggests the establishment of a dedicated climate change adaptation fund to support communities and infrastructure projects in becoming more resilient to climate change. This fund could provide financial assistance for climate risk assessments, research, and the implementation of adaptation measures.

The EDS report serves as a wake-up call for policymakers and highlights the need for immediate action to strengthen New Zealand’s climate adaptation law. As the impacts of climate change continue to intensify, it is crucial for countries to have robust legal frameworks that enable effective adaptation and resilience-building efforts. By addressing the identified gaps, New Zealand can take a significant step towards safeguarding its communities, environment, and economy from the adverse effects of climate change.