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From KFC to STCs, a Brief History of My Life & Lightning Energy – Lightning Energy

My ambition and desire to make a real impact drove me to expand from subcontracting to selling solar systems directly to customers. This marked the birth of “Lightning Solar,” soon to grow into “Lightning Energy.” I spent countless hours working on my laptop, perched on an old, mouldy desk in the corner of my freezing warehouse, making calls and slowly building a customer base. I was literally begging people to buy solar from me with “zero dollars upfront” just to get my foot in the door of the highly competitive solar industry. I would tell homeowners, “Please give me a shot; I won’t let you down. I need this work more than anyone.” This period was marked by perseverance and relentless effort, laying the foundation for future success.

The business took off, and within a year, we needed a bigger warehouse. Everything was booming until COVID-19 hit.

The pandemic was a challenging time, emotionally and professionally. With 20-25 staff depending on me, I felt a tremendous responsibility to keep the business afloat. During the lockdowns, I honed my sales skills and prepared for the post-pandemic surge. When restrictions lifted, the demand for solar installations skyrocketed, necessitating yet another move to a larger warehouse.

By 2022, I began to see the bigger picture—our mission to save the planet. Inspired by Elon Musk’s master plan to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, I adopted a long-term strategic approach to business. This new mindset became my mantra: to strategize all the way to the end, helping people save money and the planet simultaneously.

Today, with around 40 employees and many contractors, we have completed thousands of installations across nearly every state in Australia. I have found my calling as a business leader in the clean energy industry in Melbourne. My goal is not only to be the best solar installation company but also the best in industry for air conditioning, heat pumps, and other energy-efficient services in the future.