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ClimateTalks: Let’s Meet Verra

Verra’s Robust Certification Process

Verra maintains the integrity of its carbon credit program through a rigorous, multi-stage process. This ensures that the carbon credits issued accurately represent real, measurable emission reductions or removals.

The first step involves project registration. Project developers submit detailed documents outlining their project’s goals, the methodology they plan to use, and any relevant legal aspects. Verra meticulously verifies these details to confirm that the project meets several key criteria. These include ensuring the project would not have happened without the generation of carbon credits (additionality), achieves permanent emission reductions or removals, and avoids any negative social or environmental impacts.

Once a project is registered, independent third-party verifiers come into play. These qualified bodies are responsible for validating the project’s claims and meticulously ensuring adherence to Verra’s stringent standards. Their verification process provides an additional layer of assurance that the project delivers the promised climate benefits.

Following successful verification and confirmation that the project is implemented as planned, Verra issues carbon credits. These credits represent the quantifiable emission reductions or removals achieved by the project.

Verra acknowledges that best practices in carbon offsetting are constantly evolving. To maintain the highest standards, they continuously improve their program to reflect these advancements.

One recent example of this commitment is Verra’s achievement of certification from the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM). This independent certification demonstrates Verra’s program aligns with the best practices established by this leading industry body.

Balancing carbon reductions and removals 

One question we were keen to put to Robin, given the demand recently for carbon removals projects, how does Verra support these types of projects and also what initiatives are provided for avoidance projects amidst this current spike in demand for removals. 

Robin emphasized the importance of both emission reductions projects and removals to address the climate crisis, with an interesting analogy that you’ll have to look out for in the interview. He also told us they offer separate labels for credits to distinguish between these two categories and are developing methodologies for both areas.

What does the future hold for carbon offsetting?

The future of carbon offsetting appears positive, with Verra anticipating a significant rise in investments directed towards emission reduction and removal projects. This optimism is fueled by a growing interest from governments and regulatory bodies in carbon crediting. Another positive sign and movement for the industry that will help it to establish strong safeguards against fraud and ensure projects deliver genuine climate benefits.