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Buck the Duck Curve: California’s Bold Leap Towards Solar Empowerment

Buck the Duck Curve: California’s Bold Leap Towards Solar Empowerment

by Bradley Bartz, President/Founder, ABC Solar

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 23, 2024

In the sun-drenched state of California, solar power has been both a beacon of hope and a point of contention. At the heart of this debate lies the infamous “Solar Duck Curve”-a phenomenon critics have used to demonize the impact of solar power on the energy grid. This curve, which charts the mismatch between peak solar production and peak demand, has been portrayed as a nightmare for grid management. However, much like the visionary approach of Hong Kong’s free phone service in the past, California has the potential to transform this perceived problem into a profitable solution.

The Buck Load Initiative: A Call to Action

Governor Gavin Newsom has a golden opportunity to rewrite the narrative. Just as Hong Kong revolutionized communication by offering free phone service, making long distance calls economically accessible and turning a high-cost luxury into a distributed wealth generator, California can harness the currently curtailed solar power to fuel new economic frontiers.

Today, the reality is that the production of solar energy often exceeds demand during daylight hours, leading to what is known as ‘curtailment’. This means valuable, clean energy-energy that could power homes, businesses, and innovative technologies-is wasted. It’s akin to collecting rainwater in a drought-stricken land but pouring it down the drain just when it’s needed most.

Why The Buck Load?

The Buck Load is more than just a concept; it’s a directive for progress. This initiative proposes using surplus solar energy to power high-demand facilities and projects, such as high-speed wind tunnels for wildfire research or new industrial complexes, creating jobs and fostering innovation. It’s a win-win scenario where excess energy meets peak ingenuity, fostering a robust, sustainable economy.

Imagine this: instead of shutting down solar panels, we channel excess energy into research facilities, manufacturing plants, and even cryptocurrency mining operations-anywhere that can use high amounts of electricity outside of peak hours. We could turn every ray of sunshine into a thread in the fabric of a new economic miracle.

A Vision for the Future

As the President and Founder of ABC Solar, I’ve seen firsthand the capabilities and the limitations of our current energy practices. It’s time for a bold step forward. The Buck Load isn’t just about energy; it’s about setting a precedent for how we value and utilize our natural resources. It’s about ensuring that every Californian has the power they need, not just to survive, but to thrive.

Governor Newsom, the California Public Utilities Commission, and all stakeholders in our energy future are at a crossroads. We can continue down a path of restrictions and limitations, or we can choose a path of innovation and abundance. The Buck Load is the key to unlocking a future where California continues to lead the world in environmental consciousness and economic innovation.

Let us not be the Mr. Burns of our own narrative, shading the world from the potential of solar power. Let’s be the pioneers who used the sun to light up not just our homes, but our economy. Let’s make The Buck Load initiative a reality and show the world what California can do.

The time is now. Let’s not wait for tomorrow to solve the problems we can solve today. Let’s harness the full potential of the sun, and in doing so, fund our future-a future as bright as the California sun.

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