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Americans Like to Think of Their Country as Free, But Get THis

In 2023, the United States received an 83 on a scale from 0 to 100 on the Freedom Awards, from an organization called “FreedomHouse.”  That placed us #17 of the 200+ sovereign nations on Earth.

Not bad, but what would have taken to win first place, i.e. at or above the levels of Switzerland, New Zealand, Denmark, Ireland, Estonia and Iceland?  Well, let’s look at the 12 criteria the judges use:

Rule of law
Security and safety
Association, assembly, and civil society
Expression and information
Identity and Relationships
Size of Government
Legal System and Property Rights
Access to Sound Money
Freedom to Trade Internationally

I see a two main gaping holes in American’s position here.

1) Rule of law.  The judges don’t like multi-tiered justice systems.  And just wait until they see what is happening here in 2024, where our Supreme Court is weighing the idea of granting immunity from criminal prosecution to the president, essentially making him a king.  It would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic.

2) Religion.  The judges are also turned off to countries in which the proponents of one religion have authority over others.  Our push to have the Christian bible inserted in our public school system will not sit well.