utility companies

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) recently issued a statement regarding the fixed charges on California electric bills. The SEIA,...

Data centers play a crucial role in today’s digital economy, serving as the backbone of the internet and housing the...

The first quarter earnings discussions of U.S. utility companies have shed light on the significant impact that data centers’ power...

Vertical wind turbines are a unique and innovative way to harness energy from passing vehicles. These turbines are designed to...

In recent years, the solar industry has experienced significant growth as more and more businesses and consumers are turning to...

CleanTechnica is a leading source of information on clean energy solutions, and one area that is gaining increasing attention is...

Smart meters have become a popular choice for many households in Britain, offering the convenience of monitoring energy usage in...

Smart meters have been hailed as a revolutionary technology that allows consumers to track their energy usage in real-time and...

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in decentralized energy generation as a means to create a cleaner...

In recent years, there has been a significant push towards the adoption of smart gas meters in European households. These...

In 2023, the penetration of smart gas meters in Europe has reached an impressive 45%. This significant milestone marks a...

In 2023, European smart gas meters have reached an impressive 45% penetration rate, marking a significant milestone in the region’s...

Connexin, a leading provider of smart city solutions, has recently been awarded the largest smart water metering contract in the...

In today’s world, where technology plays a crucial role in our daily lives, understanding the energy consumption of devices is...