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Watts, a leading provider of energy and environmental solutions, has recently acknowledged the need for additional efforts to rebuild trust...

In recent years, there has been a growing global movement towards implementing green policies and combating climate change. However, in...

In a surprising turn of events, European voters have recently rejected green policies in several key elections, signaling a potential...

Doconomy, a Swedish climate-focused fintech startup, has raised €34 million ($36.9 million) in funding from leading European banks, including UBS...

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards a high integrity carbon credits value chain on a global...

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been gaining popularity in recent years as more and more people are looking for environmentally friendly...

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has recently made headlines for his unexpected endorsement of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving technology. Known...

PBS, the Public Broadcasting Service, has long been known for its informative and educational programming. However, in recent years, some...

Tesla, the electric vehicle giant, has been making waves in the transportation industry with its innovative technology and forward-thinking approach....

General Motors (GM) has been making waves in the electric vehicle (EV) market with its ambitious plans to electrify its...

Sharing your sustainability narrative is an important step in promoting environmental consciousness and inspiring others to make positive changes. However,...

A recent study conducted by the American Automobile Association (AAA) has revealed a concerning trend in Americans’ confidence in self-driving...

The Noteworthy Move: BMW’s Controversial Designer Joins a Chinese EV Company In a surprising turn of events, BMW’s controversial designer,...

In the 1950s, the automotive industry was buzzing with excitement and innovation. One of the most ambitious visions of that...