
A new robotics firm has recently been founded by former Cruise CEO, Kyle Vogt, and ex-Tesla AI manager, Sterling Anderson....

Hackaday is a popular website that provides a daily roundup of interesting and innovative projects, hacks, and news related to...

Hackaday is a popular online platform that provides a wealth of information on the latest tech news and projects. Every...

Hackaday is a popular website that features a wide range of articles and projects related to technology, engineering, and DIY...

Hackaday, the popular online platform for tech enthusiasts and DIYers, is always buzzing with the latest news and projects in...

In a bizarre twist of fate, a team of engineers has developed an autonomous vehicle that bears a striking resemblance...

The automotive industry is constantly evolving, with new models and technologies being introduced every year. One of the most talked-about...

A Comprehensive Look at Honda’s Exhibits at the JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW 2023 The JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW 2023 is one of...

Imagine a flower that not only blooms with vibrant colors but also moves gracefully throughout the day to follow the...

Sight Sciences, a leading provider of ophthalmic medical devices, recently announced the launch of its Ergo-Series of OMNI Surgical System...

Shoulder Innovations, a medical device company focused on developing innovative solutions for shoulder and elbow conditions, recently announced the successful...