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In recent years, there has been a growing global movement towards implementing green policies and combating climate change. However, in...

In a surprising turn of events, European voters have recently rejected green policies in several key elections, signaling a potential...

In recent years, there has been a growing global movement towards implementing green policies and combating climate change. However, a...

In a surprising turn of events, European voters have recently rejected green policies in a backlash against climate initiatives, according...

Sri Lanka has recently made headlines for its decision to choose India for an energy deal, following the rejection of...

Sri Lanka has recently awarded an energy deal to India, following the rejection of a proposal from China. This decision...

Sri Lanka has recently made headlines by choosing India for an energy deal, following the rejection of a proposal from...

Sri Lanka has recently awarded an energy contract to India, following the rejection of a proposal from China. This decision...

In recent years, the issue of climate change has become a hotly debated topic, with many scientists and experts warning...

Labour Party Rejects Bill Aimed at Preventing Establishment of New Mines on Conservation Land The Labour Party’s recent rejection of...

Labour Party Rejects Bill Aimed at Preventing New Mines on Conservation Land In a controversial move, the Labour Party has...

Fleet Evolution, a leading provider of electric vehicles (EVs) for fleet management, has recently made a significant decision to reject...

The newly launched Core Carbon Principles aim to enhance governance and integrity for carbon credits. Carbon credits are a crucial...