Mining Industry

The Biden-Harris administration recently passed a new law that prohibits the importation of Russian uranium into the United States. This...

Lithium is a crucial element in the production of batteries for electric vehicles, smartphones, and other electronic devices. As the...

CleanTechnica, a leading source for news and analysis on clean technology and renewable energy, recently reported on a significant development...

CleanTechnica, a leading source for clean energy news and analysis, recently reported on a significant development in West Virginia that...

Plants have long been known for their ability to extract nutrients and minerals from the soil through their roots. However,...

Plants have long been known for their ability to extract nutrients and minerals from the soil through their root systems....

Exploring the Readiness of Mining Majors to Harness Exploration Technologies The mining industry has always been at the forefront of...

As the demand for electric vehicles continues to rise, so does the need for efficient and sustainable methods of sourcing...

In recent years, there has been a significant shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) as a more sustainable and environmentally friendly...

BHP Announces $4 Billion Investment to Achieve Decarbonization by 2030, Anticipates Temporary Increase in Carbon Emissions In a significant move...

Greenbiz is a website that focuses on sustainability and environmental issues. One of their recent episodes, Episode 368, explores the...

In episode 368 of Greenbiz, the topic of mining, child labor, and indigenous wisdom was explored. The discussion centered around...

Greenbiz Episode 368 is a thought-provoking discussion that explores the topics of mining, child labor, and indigenous wisdom. The episode...

The Importance of ‘Significant Mining’ for Achieving Net Zero, According to Google Executive As the world grapples with the urgent...

Labour’s Unfulfilled Promise Prompts Call for Moratorium on New Mines in Conservation Areas The Labour Party’s promise to protect New...