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Indigenous peoples

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a scientific body established by the United Nations to provide policymakers with...

The High Seas Treaty, also known as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, is a global...

In episode 368 of Greenbiz, the topic of mining, child labor, and indigenous wisdom was explored. The discussion centered around...

Addressing Alberta’s Fossil Fuel Liabilities: Insights from the Environmental Law Centre – Part 2 In the previous article, we discussed...

Brazil is home to the largest tropical forest in the world, the Amazon rainforest. This vast expanse of trees plays...

Technology has been defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. However, this definition is not neutral and...

The world’s most productive river, the Amazon River, is a vital resource for the people and wildlife that depend on...

Culture and heritage are essential components of human identity and history. They reflect the values, beliefs, and traditions of a...

New Zealand, or Aotearoa, is a country that is surrounded by the ocean. The marine environment is a significant part...

A circular marine bioeconomy is a system that aims to use marine resources in a sustainable way, while also promoting...

Carbon credits have become an increasingly popular way for companies to offset their carbon emissions and demonstrate their commitment to...