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Food and Agriculture

**Expanding the Focus Beyond Household Food Waste: A Comprehensive Approach to Reducing Food Waste** In recent years, the issue of...

Methane emissions from cows have long been a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. According to the...

**Bill Gates Advocates for Reducing Methane Emissions from Cows and Promoting Artificial Meat – Tech Startups** In recent years, the...

**Bill Gates Advocates for Reducing Methane Emissions from Cows and Promoting Artificial Meat Development – Tech Startups** In recent years,...

Freezing goods at -15°C is a common practice in the food industry to preserve perishable items and extend their shelf...

California is known for its booming cannabis industry, with both licensed and unlicensed growers contributing to the state’s economy. However,...

Cultivated meat, also known as lab-grown or cell-based meat, has been gaining attention as a potential solution to the environmental...

The Benefits of Reducing Household Food Waste: Saving Money and Protecting the Environment Food waste is a significant global issue...

Exploring the Potential of Planted Forests: Unleashing the Power of Trees Forests are often referred to as the lungs of...

Reducing Methane Emissions by 80%: A Groundbreaking Approach to Revolutionize Dairy Sustainability Dairy farming plays a significant role in global...

Effective Strategies for Managing Food Waste Disposal: Insights from Barna Recycling Food waste is a significant global issue that not...

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has recently released a report that highlights the compounded inequalities that women in agriculture...

Recent research has revealed that global food systems may be contributing to the exceeding of temperature goals set by the...