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The voluntary carbon market in India’s agriculture sector is gaining traction as a way for farmers to earn additional income...

India’s Framework for the Voluntary Carbon Market in the Agricultural Sector India, one of the world’s largest agricultural producers, is...

Cannabis has medical benefits, it better for your body than alcohol and can calm anxiety – and with larger legalization...

When Maine lawmakers tried to rein in large-scale access to the state’s freshwater this year, the effort initially gained momentum....

Sustainability has become a buzzword in recent years, with more and more companies and organizations striving to become sustainable. However,...

Desertification is a process that occurs when fertile land turns into desert due to various factors such as climate change,...

Organic Valley, the largest cooperative of organic farmers in the United States, has been leading the way in sustainable agriculture...

California is known for its almond production, with the state accounting for over 80% of the world’s almond supply. However,...

Sustainable farming has been a buzzword in the agricultural industry for decades. It refers to the practice of producing food...