environmental awareness

According to a recent report by CleanTechnica, the popularity of hybrid vehicles has reached record levels in recent years. This...

The Solar Pyramid of Caximba in Curitiba, Brazil is a unique and innovative structure that serves as a symbol of...

The Caximba Solar Pyramid in Curitiba, Brazil is a fascinating and innovative structure that is not only a stunning architectural...

The Carbon Literacy Project, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at educating individuals and organizations on the importance of reducing carbon emissions,...

Envirotec, a leading environmental technology company, recently hosted a webinar on addressing the green skills gap, calling for a renewed...

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have long been at the forefront of promoting sustainability and clean energy initiatives on...

December BEV Sales in Brazil Exceed Expectations, Surging by 700%, Reports CleanTechnica In a surprising turn of events, Brazil witnessed...