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The U.S. Department of the Interior has granted final approval to the 924-megawatt Sunrise Wind Project, marking a significant milestone...

**U.S. Department of the Interior Grants Final Approval for 924-Megawatt Sunrise Wind Project** In a significant stride towards bolstering renewable...

Florida Electric Vehicle Drivers to Have Access to Wireless In-Road Charging Opportunity Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as...

Climate change is a pressing issue that affects every corner of the globe, and the United Kingdom is no exception....

Climate change is a pressing issue that affects every corner of the globe, and the United Kingdom is no exception....

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular and cost-effective alternative to traditional sources of electricity. However, one of the biggest...

In a move aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change, the Biden administration has announced a new...

In an exciting announcement for the renewable energy industry, the teams for the 2025 Hydropower & Marine Energy Collegiate Competitions...

The United States has recently taken a major step towards establishing high-integrity voluntary carbon markets, signaling a significant shift in...

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has recently welcomed several new appointees under the Biden-Harris administration, signaling a shift towards...

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has recently welcomed several new appointees under the Biden-Harris administration, signaling a shift in...

In the world of financial regulation, the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) plays a crucial role in protecting consumers from...

**DOE Aims to Reduce Clean Hydrogen Production Cost to $1 per Kilogram by 2031** The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)...

**DOE Aims to Reduce Clean Hydrogen Production Costs to $1 per Kilogram by 2031** In a bold and ambitious move,...

The Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced a significant investment of $4.5 billion in funding for upcoming transmission projects in...