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**Cyberattack Forces Auto Dealerships to Pay Large Ransom to Hackers** In an era where digital transformation is reshaping industries, the...

**AI-Powered Robotic Arm Enhances Recycling Efficiency at Southwark Facility** In a groundbreaking development for the recycling industry, the Southwark recycling...

Vertical farms look high-tech and sophisticated, but the premise is simple—plants are grown without soil, with their roots in a...

**Leveraging AI Technology for Efficient Separation of Mixed Recyclables and Organic Waste from Municipal Solid Waste** In the quest for...

# AI-Powered Solutions for Separating Mixed Recyclables and Organic Waste from Municipal Solid Waste ## Introduction Municipal solid waste (MSW)...

**Leveraging AI for Efficient Separation of Mixed Recyclables and Organic Waste from Municipal Solid Waste** In the quest for sustainable...

**AI Technology for Separating Mixed Recyclables and Organic Material from Municipal Solid Waste** In the quest for sustainable waste management,...

**AI Technology for Separating Mixed Recyclables and Organic Waste from Municipal Solid Waste** In the quest for a sustainable future,...

**Manchester Prize Finalists Announced: AI Solutions to Sustainability Challenges Awarded £1 Million** In a groundbreaking move to address global sustainability...

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of St Andrews and Oregon State University has shed light on...

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of St Andrews and Oregon State University has shed light on...

**Innovative Solar Technology for Steel Smelting: A Path to Decarbonizing Industrial Heat** The steel industry, a cornerstone of modern infrastructure...

President Biden recently announced an increase in tariffs on Chinese chips and cars in the United States, a move that...

The first quarter earnings discussions of U.S. utility companies have shed light on the significant impact that data centers’ power...

Hackaday is a popular website that features daily updates on the latest hacks, DIY projects, and technology news. For those...