AI Capabilities

IBASE, a leading provider of industrial computing solutions, has announced a collaboration with Qualcomm to showcase new Edge AI solutions...

Hackaday is a popular website that provides a daily roundup of interesting and innovative projects, hacks, and news related to...

TomTom, a leading provider of navigation and mapping products, has announced a collaboration with Microsoft to develop advanced artificial intelligence...

TomTom and Microsoft have recently joined forces to introduce a groundbreaking new generative AI technology for connected vehicles. This collaboration...

Lexus, the luxury vehicle division of Toyota, has recently unveiled its latest concept car, the LF-Z Electrified. This futuristic flagship...

The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into vehicles. AI-powered features such...

Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla, has recently announced an exciting collaboration between his electric vehicle company...

On 30 May, there were several significant business transactions that took place across various industries. These transactions ranged from mergers...

On 2 May, there were several significant business transactions that took place across various industries. These transactions ranged from mergers...