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**Incentivizing Emissions Reductions in the Agricultural Sector: A Shift from Penalties to Rewards** The agricultural sector is a significant contributor...

**Lucid Appoints Automotive Industry Veteran as Head of Global Communications** In a strategic move to bolster its leadership team, Lucid...

**Legal Nature of Carbon Credits: Summary Report of the 2nd Session of the UNIDROIT Working Group Released** The legal nature...

**Adaptation and Resilience in Clean Technology: Part II | Cleantech Group** In the face of escalating climate change and environmental...

**Exploring Adaptation and Resilience in Cleantech – Part I** In the face of escalating climate change, the cleantech sector has...

In times of economic uncertainty or when a company is facing financial difficulties, one of the first solutions that often...

Boston Dynamics, the renowned robotics company known for its cutting-edge creations, has recently announced the retirement of its hydraulic humanoid...

In 2023, the mood in various industries is expected to be influenced by the increasing penetration of technology, with a...

Sillars Joins Bridge as a Champion of Skills and Ambassador Bridge, a leading organization dedicated to promoting education and skills...

Small cars have long been a popular choice for urban dwellers and budget-conscious consumers. With their compact size, fuel efficiency,...

Ennis & Co, a leading financial consulting firm, has recently conducted a comprehensive assessment of the financial advantages of investing...

General Motors (GM), one of the world’s leading automobile manufacturers, recently announced its plans to reduce 200 engineering positions as...