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Škoda Introduces 205 Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles for the Tour de France – CleanTechnica

**Škoda Introduces 205 Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles for the Tour de France**

In a significant stride towards sustainable mobility, Škoda Auto has announced the deployment of 205 electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles for the 2023 Tour de France. This initiative underscores the Czech automaker’s commitment to environmental responsibility and innovation in the automotive industry. The move aligns with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote cleaner transportation solutions.

### A Green Revolution in Sports

The Tour de France, one of the most prestigious and grueling cycling races in the world, has long been a platform for showcasing endurance, strategy, and cutting-edge technology. This year, Škoda’s introduction of a fleet comprising electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles marks a historic moment in the event’s history. The vehicles will be used for various logistical purposes, including transporting officials, medical teams, and support staff throughout the race.

### The Fleet: A Blend of Efficiency and Performance

Škoda’s fleet for the Tour de France includes models such as the Enyaq iV, an all-electric SUV, and the Superb iV, a plug-in hybrid sedan. The Enyaq iV boasts a range of up to 333 miles on a single charge, making it ideal for the long distances covered during the race. The Superb iV combines a 1.4 TSI petrol engine with an electric motor, offering a combined output of 218 horsepower and an electric-only range of up to 37 miles.

These vehicles are equipped with advanced features such as regenerative braking, which helps to extend their range by converting kinetic energy back into electrical energy. Additionally, they come with state-of-the-art infotainment systems and driver-assistance technologies, ensuring safety and comfort for all passengers.

### Environmental Impact

The introduction of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles at the Tour de France is expected to significantly reduce the event’s carbon footprint. Traditional internal combustion engine vehicles emit substantial amounts of CO2 and other pollutants. By contrast, electric vehicles (EVs) produce zero tailpipe emissions, while plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) offer a substantial reduction in emissions compared to conventional vehicles.

Škoda estimates that the use of these 205 vehicles will prevent the release of approximately 200 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere over the course of the race. This initiative is part of Škoda’s broader sustainability strategy, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

### Charging Infrastructure

To support this green initiative, Škoda has collaborated with local authorities and private partners to establish a robust charging infrastructure along the race route. Fast-charging stations have been strategically placed to ensure that the electric vehicles can be quickly recharged during breaks in the race. This infrastructure not only supports the Tour de France but also benefits local communities by providing long-term access to EV charging facilities.

### A Message to the World

By integrating electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles into one of the world’s most-watched sporting events, Škoda is sending a powerful message about the future of transportation. The automaker is demonstrating that high-performance, reliable, and environmentally friendly vehicles are not just a vision for the future but a reality today.

This initiative also highlights the potential for large-scale events to adopt sustainable practices without compromising on efficiency or performance. It sets a precedent for other sporting events and industries to follow suit in embracing green technologies.

### Conclusion

Škoda’s introduction of 205 electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles for the Tour de France represents a landmark achievement in sustainable mobility. It showcases the company’s dedication to reducing environmental impact while maintaining high standards of performance and reliability. As the world continues to grapple with climate change, such initiatives are crucial in paving the way towards a greener, more sustainable future.

The 2023 Tour de France will not only be remembered for its thrilling races and athletic prowess but also for its significant contribution to promoting clean transportation solutions. Through this bold move, Škoda is not just supporting a sporting event; it is championing a cause that affects us all – the health of our planet.